Dear Work, Please be generous this weekend!! I need at least $200 per night to be satisfied. I have a shopping addiction. Also, I was so excited when my parents brought me home a carry out and my lovely co-workers wrote me notes on it! Dear Lucas Blaze, I’m missing you right now. I wish work was going better for you so you weren’t so exhausted. I’m sad we only have two day off together this week. However, I’m digging how cute you’ve been to me! You can keep that up! Dear Bedroom, You’re finally getting cleaned!!! I added some newness to you and I love it! I’ve been sleeping on the couch since Chicago.. tonight we reunite! AH, calm down Dr. Seuss. Dear Bloggers Who Make All The Blog Rules, I don’t like your rules. I won’t follow by them. If that makes me a bad blogger, I don’t care. I’ve seen that some “real bloggers” don’t believe everyone should have a blog. I fall into the category of who shouldn’t have a blog. I’m actually going to have a post this week about this.. because ...