My desire to get back to writing has been so strong lately. I can't seem to figure out if I want to blog again. At the same time, I REALLY want to blog again. I've found comfort in my privacy. This comfort has made me uncomfortable with openly sharing details of my life. However, blogging always was there to provide me with an outlet to express my thoughts, feelings and emotions. The people I was able to connect with through blogging was always an incredible bonus. I didn't want to blog when I realized that people that I don't want to be part of my life were reading my blog posts. During this time I also stopped being active on Twitter and Instagram. I felt that it was unfair to me that specific people were able to catch up on my life via social media. There are many issue I face with returning to my blog. I need to allow myself to step outside of my comfort zone of keeping my life private. I need to be okay with the fact that some people, that shouldn't be ...