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Showing posts from March, 2012

Friday’s Letters!

I am excited about this link up! To be totally honest.. One of the reasons I blog is because I was so inspired by Ashley’s blog ! And I even own a super cute bracelet from her shop Fetch & Co Okay.. and on with the letters.. Dear School, I am actually excited for your Spring quarter to start back up on Monday! Seriously, changing schools has been the most stressful, yet best move I’ve made. I love school. I’ve never been able to say that! Dear Detroit Red Wings, Don’t you boys let me down tonight! I will be watching you! From lower bowl for the third time this month! You’re playing the team of my future city.. I will never be a Nashville fan though. I love you guys a little too much! Win or lose, I’ll always be the girl that is too obsessed with the Red Wings. Dear Iphone, I think that by mid April I will be an official owner of you. I’m not very excited. I just can’t stand all the group texts I get sent that I can’t even see. I’m feeling so peer pressured about ...

Breaking the rules

I know that this is my second post of the day.. I’m sure there’s some unwritten blogging rule against that But, look at how much I don’t care.. I’ve mentioned a million times Lucas and I are going to Nashville at the end of April. We had planned to do a half marathon.. But, after getting one of the girls from work on board (Since she’s moving to Nashville in a few days.. WAH) We have all decided that we are insane to think we can be ready for 13 miles.. We’re going to do the mini marathon.. In all honesty, I used the half marathon as an excuse to go to Nashville. Plus it’s for St. Jude Children’s Hospital Now, I don’t feel pressured to get fit. I will let you all know that I have been working out daily!! I have also been eating great! Except yesterday I decided to have 5 pizza rolls… Karma did a great job because I burnt the roof of my mouth.. Actually, I burnt it so bad I had burn blisters.. awesome. I have had a bit of an issue with working out though.. I’m not sure if I’ve ever ...

It’s Ok Thursdays!

It’s Ok… That I never want to jump on the whole “YOLO” train To switch from the half marathon.. to the mini marathon.. That I’m more obsessed with Pinterest than 90% of the people I follow That I’d rather eat glass than listen to someone chew To overthink what color I want to paint my nails To be content with doing absolutely nothing on break between quarters That I can’t stop watching Law & Order SVU To think Christopher Meloni is a babe.. To prefer working out at home opposed to the gym That I enjoy staying up really late; I’m more motivated and creative at that time To have an easy time writing these that are “ok”

Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday!

  Source: Uploaded by user via Amanda on Pinterest                                                       Source: via Amanda on Pinterest                                                  Source: via Amanda on Pinterest                                         ...

Clearing a few things up..

I think it’s time that I have a little talk with my lovely followers.. My last post really opened my eyes to how some of you see me. 1. I am not fat.   I don’t care what I say, I do not think that I am fat at all. I’m a size 0, come on.. someone better be referring me to a mental hospital if you seriously thought a girl my size could even think she was fat at all. HOWEVER.. I eat a LOT. I constantly will say that I’m a fatty or something along those lines because I really do eat a lot. I guess girls are more sensitive with the word “fat”. I feel that if I’m around Lucas I could be chowing down on food and be like, “ah I’m such a fatty!”.. and he wouldn’t be like OH MY GOSH YOU ARE NOT FAT.. Which leads me into.. 2. I don’t need compliments to feel good about myself.   I posted a picture and explained that when I put it in the post it made it smaller and made me look thicker than what I am. I did not say I look fat or that I look thick. I did not ask if any single one o...


This past quarter, in one of my classes I had to do a 5 minutes presentation on confidence. Confidence is such a beautiful power. Somewhere in my presentation, I brought up the constant need to look like a celebrity. I also then showed some wonderful pictures of the reality of celebrities. The fact that anyone tries so hard to pretend that they are perfect just blows my mind. Many girls post pictures looking like they spent 2 hours getting ready with a caption that said.. ”Just woke up don’t mind that I look so ugly!!!!” Or when girls post “NO MAKEUP!!!” ..And clearly they have a ton of makeup on. Oh when girls post a picture and they look like they’re in the middle of a contest to see how long they can hold their breath.. usually the picture is a full length shot and they’re awkwardly bending and their sholders are all tense.. This is where they post a caption like.. ”UGH I’M SO FAT!!” or ”Lost 20 pounds in 2 days #nbd #proana” Get real. Wh...

Monday Shopping

Today my mom asked me to go shopping with her. She had to go to Target and Trader Joe’s.. I didn’t need anything but I tagged along.. Well.. maybe I bought a few things. I totally have a shopping problem. Now I’m in desperate need to work out for a while.. Wish it wasn’t already midnight..

Money to blow.

Why doesn’t money grow on trees? Have you ever thought about where all your hard earned money goes? Because I just thought about it and I’m ready to go back to being 15 again. I have to buy a stupid calculator that’s almost $200 because it has an extra feature that my current one doesn’t have. My classes are $3,000 per quarter which is only 10 weeks long. That’s $12,000 a year just for classes. Out of pocket since the government doesn’t give me a dime. I rent my books so that saves a lot, but typically I’m spending about $500-$800 per quarter That’s an additional $2,000 at least per year. I don’t pay for my gym membership since it got messed up, no complaints. I just keep a tanning package going all year round So that’s an automatic $70 per month out of my checking account $840 per year. My phone bill adds up to $600 per year. My truck is a gas guzzler.. Between school and work I’ve been putting in at least $50 a week. On top of all the other costs of living.. I guess I’...