That it takes some effort to get from my bed to my Keurig brewer. That even though I have a lot to do, it’s still my day off! To dance around with an extra large cup of coffee. To be happy, even if things are a little extremely stressful right now. That I slacked on any kind of diet, I need to stay positive. Time to get fit! That I had my windows open last night when it was cold.. cuddling up is always ok! That I’m catching up on 9 Dr. OZ episodes I have recorded. To realize that I’m too hard on myself. I do a lot, time to give myself some credit. To buy more clothes because I don’t have time for laundry.. ooops. To cry this morning when Nick Lindstrom announced his retirement. WAH!!! That I have all next week off work to study for finals.. That I'm trying to still convince myself that I won’t need all that money next week.. That Chicago and the Keane concert with my man is THIS MONTH! I’m far too excited! To make something “Ok” just so I can mention it in this list...