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You're gonna want this back. You're gonna wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times, so take a good look around. You may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this.

I have not forgot about you, Blogger! I've somehow managed to keep myself busy the past few days. I have pictures to share, but I'm going to do that later tonight!! I'm really in the mood to clean, and since that NEVER happens, I really think I should do that. I'm suppose to be meeting my friend Allison at Starbucks tonight after her class so we can catch up and do homework. I lost touch with pretty much everyone from high school.. so it's weird that I've been friends with Allison since kindergarten! That's almost 15 years! I feel old, I need to stop. I've actually been in touch with a few old friends. It's sad how people drift apart. It's actually depressing how simple everything once was. When I look at people my age, none of them are going anywhere in life. I'm so glad that I think the way I do, and I know what reality is. I know girls who are my age, pregnant or have a baby, and they don't have a job and they aren't going to school.  Everyone thinks that it's just so easy. Oh I love babies, I should have one!.. No. Let me tell you, I absolutely love kids. It has always been my dream to work at a Children's Hospital and help kids.. and that's what I'm going to do. I want 5 kids of my own, I want 3 or 4 crazy boys and 1 or 2 dramatic and sassy little girls. I've taken parenting classes, I've been around plenty of babies and kids.. I will be one hell of a mom. But, I'm 20 years old. Why is it that I'm so stressed out about my future, yet girls are popping babies out and sitting at home being a full time mom since "having a baby is a lot of work". I was raised to be independent, so I'll never depend on someone else even if I'm married to them. Actually, why the hell is everyone either pregnant or just had a baby? One of Lucas' friends made a status about all the pregnant belly pictures on his news feed and how he doesn't want to see that and there needs to be a separate social network site for pregnant girls.. lol. 
I just have to keep reminding myself that all this stress now, will end up being worth it. I'd rather stress now, than later. In all honesty, I'm so proud of who I am. I'll never understand how people settle for so little in life, and I don't ever want to understand. I'm just living my life, and doing everything I want.
Ah, I vent so much on here. I'll do an interesting update later tonight! Promise! I really have to start cleaning!

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