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Friday’s Letters…


Dear Friday, For once you are actually my last day of work for this week!! YAY!

Dear Lucas Blaze, You have absolutely amazed me.. more than usual. Thanks for taking the time to realize that I’ve been so stressed out and that I’ve been doubting myself so much. The note I woke up to Thursday morning almost made me cry. I love being your best friend. Can you believe two official years is WEDNESDAY?!

Dear Friday the 13th, Hi.. be kind to me. Kthanks.

Dear Sassyness, You seem to be at an all time high lately. I’m not complaining. I enjoy wearing my sassy pants. They look so great on me.

Dear Pinterest, Thanks to you I’ll be spending Saturday cooking and other fun things to surprise my man. I can’t wait!!

Dear Readers, Do you have any suggestions of what I should do for Lucas tomorrow?? I plan on cooking and what not.. but seriously, if you can think of something fun or cute to do.. or if you have a to die for recipie.. let me know!!! Oh, and I love you all so so so so much!!!

Dear Body, Apparently you were so tired that you had to just fall asleep at 830pm… That’s pretty cool. Not that I had a bunch of stuff to get done or anything..

Dear Bikers That Ride In The Street, You my friend are not a car. You are not a professional bike rider. Stop trying. Well, maybe you are a professional.. chances are, you’re not.

Dear Humor, Apparently I’ve been really funny lately. Not just in Friday Letters.. in real life. I had someone ask me why I’m so funny lately.. Truth is.. I’m always funny. Maybe people are just starting to finally stop obsessing over my fab looks and start enjoying my personality.. I don’t know. Maybe.

Dear Blog, I’m trying to spend some more quality time with you. Trying to make you look better and trying to make you way more interesting.. or at least trying to make you a little interesting.

Dear Anyone That Feels The Need To Lecture Me On Skin Cancer, Oh.. hello there my friend. I would really enjoy it if you just didn’t say what you’re going to say. I’m tan, I understand that. How many people post pictures of them doing dumb shit and they just simple say “YOLO” and it makes their dumb move okay? Yeah. I worked at tanning salons.. I understand all about skin cancer. I don’t live under a rock. I understand that if you burn you are likely to get skin cancer. So wear some sun screen. Save the lecture.

Dear Cheap People, There needs to be some type of life skills class for people like you. Things these days cost money.. you might actually have to pay for something. If you have an issue with paying for something.. then you don’t need to buy it. Stop trying to get a deal, and stop going out to eat if you’re going to tip a waitress who busted her ass for your 14 refills of diet coke.. just to make 10% off your bill.

Dear Life, You never seem to stop surprising me.


Your turn!! Link up!



Untitled 10


  1. The way to a mans heart is through their stomach as they say, so go girl cook up a storm!
    As for Friday the 13th well it is only lunchtime and the sole has come off my shoe so I cant leave the office to buy some lunch so Im sitting at my desk blogging and eating lollies instead! Hope thats all the bad luck I get today :)

  2. cook something italian or teriyaki chicken, i love cooking that haha.

    if you like scary movies, watch scary movies with him! It's "Friday the 13th" live up the hype of the day having a scary movie marathon :P I think I might do that with my bf when he gets off work :]

  3. Haha, love your Friday the 13th comment! Totally forgot about it. And I agree about the skin cancer thing! If I want to tan, let me tan. Duh, YOLO. ( I hate that saying, lol.) Happy Friday :)

  4. sassy pants are the best type of pants!

  5. Bikers are soo irritating! I wonder if people in other states have to deal with them like we do? Doesn't it seem like there are an abnormally large amount &I once heard that in MI it's illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk. WTF!?

    P.S. Nice to have found another Michigan blogger!

    My Blog!

  6. I'm hoping Friday the 13 treats me kind as well

  7. I love you! hahaha. No like seriously though...I look forward to your blogs all the time.

    I completely agree about cheap people though. They live in the wrong time period to be cheap. And it pisses me off when they don't tip very good too.

    You are really funny. Keep it up =)Have a fab weekend off work!


  8. <3 This post made my morning!
    I do have an AHHHMAZING queso you have to try. It's super easy to make: Seriously, the best every.

  9. I'm not a waitress, but I can't stand people that don't tip! The only exception is if the server is a total dick.. haha Have a great weekend!

  10. Mandy I completely can relate to the people complaining about how tan you are. I get the same things! I always say hey I am an adult & I know what can happen however now days anything can give you skin cancer, which is so true! I always say I do not plan crawling under a rock & hiding so I guess if it happens it happens its life just like anything else! & Lucas will love all the cooking :) I mean after all men seem to like food more then anything... I hope so far this day has treated you well girlie :)

  11. Haha. "Treat me well". I would have to agree, and I don't like Friday the 13th very much!


  12. Hey! Following you back! I love me some sassypants! Just sayin... Have a great weekend!

  13. Ughh I hate when people lecture me about tanning/being tan! Like I am not 20 years old & have no clue. I mean it is summer time what are we suppose to do not step foot outside? & I am no stranger to tanning beds in the winter even though I have been trying to lay off! & Sassypants are the best kinda pants there is. Happy Friday xo

  14. cheap people suck, so much more when you live off their cheapness!

    visit :)


  15. Hope you're having a great weekend! I nominated you for a Liebster Award; the details are on my blog in this post:



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