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Friday's Letters


Dear March, You have been insane for me. In the last 14 days I have worked 65 hours on top of 22 hours of school AND finals. I'm ready for a break.

Dear Blog, I had planned on posting a few times this week. Some of the posts were even so close to being finished and now I'm here on Friday, looking back wondering why I didn't just post them. With 2 weeks off of classes, you'll be seeing much more of me.. and much better posts.

Dear Sleep, I was beginning to think I didn't know you anymore. Getting an hour or two of you ever night was really starting to wear me down. So glad I was able to get 15 hours of you last night.

Dear Reggie Bush, I still don't believe you are now a Detroit Lion. I'm way too excited for you to get your number so I can spend a ridiculous amount on your jersey.

Dear Bandwagon fan girls, I feel like I'm one of you over Reggie Bush. When I see a girl that is a "huge Red Wings fan" and her favorite player is Ericsson.. It makes me want to gag. Pretend to be a fan of a player that can actually play. It's also ok to admit you just think he's hot. Hence why I'm a Lions "fan"..  I have no issue admitting that I just think Reggie Bush is hot and now I can go watch him at Ford Field and drink beer. I'm still only a hockey girl, I don't need alcohol or Reggie Bush to enjoy watching.

Dear Being 21, Everyone told me it would get old.. I always agreed. I don't mind that I don't go out. I like that I can go buy my own craft beer and stock the mini fridge with different kinds. I don't like that I rarely get carded! I never had a fake because I was too scared.. So dumb.

Dear People who don't understand my Enhanced License,  I live 30 minutes from the Ambassador Bridge, when I turned 19 (legal drinking age in Canada) I still had my passport. Once my passport expired I got my enhanced license a few months before turning 21. That thing lasts for 6 years. So obviously when I turned 21 I didn't get a new horizontal license. It's so annoying that there are people who live in Michigan and don't understand that. "Uhh.. why is it that you don't have your current I.D?"... I've even heard that some people get turned down because it's vertical.  The expiration date is clearly on there I'm just too lazy to pretend I lost mine and get a horizontal one.

Dear Friends with Benefits, You've made my favorite movies list. I watched you twice this week. Pathetic.

Dear LBZ, Thank you for actually turning all the lights off last night when I passed out on the couch. Usually you leave them all on. Now all that you need to work on is making me get up and taking my contacts out. Love you!

Dear Mind, You're all over the place. I think I realized this when I just put coffee creamer in my Mountain Dew. Ooops.

Dear iPhone, Thanks for not notifying me of text messages lately. It's always fun when people call me after sending me 6 important texts and they don't believe that "I never got you texts"... yet, it's right there in my messages.

Dear Summer, I'm okay if you cut in front of Spring.

Dear Michigan, Wednesday when I was having my second panic attack during the hour it took me to get to school.. I decided I hate you so much. I can't wait to move somewhere it doesn't snow as much.

Dear Florida, This week I considered changing my plan and moving to you. Then I remembered that in 1992 the hurricane took out some place that housed a bunch of pythons and now theres a ton of pythons and other snakes. Alligators I can handle, snakes I can not. My heart is pounding just thinking about them.

Dear Google, I'm not a fan of Google Reader leaving me. I use Google Reader often. I have been on BlogLovin' and I'm going to try to just use that.. but, it's not the same!

Dear Readers, You all are far too amazing. If you're using BlogLovin' follow me on there. I also use Feedburner. I'm not sure about either of them. But, I know I have subscribers on both. Also please feel free to add my other social media sites!

* Pretty Little Endeavors

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  1. My license was up for renewal a year before my 21st birthday, so for 5 years my license had a red "under 21" in bold on it. So annoying.

    I also love the movie Friends with Benefits.

  2. I love the movie friends with benefits! I'm also a new follower and I think I'll be here for the long run! :)


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