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Blogging & Pinteresting..

I have plenty of pins for all of you but first I want to talk about blogging. What a crazy community this blog world is. I love it and I hate it. The drama is something I don't need. I may not agree with something going on in this blogging world, but if I mention it I'm not a bad person. If you disagree, I don't think you're a bad person. Don't read my blog if you don't agree with my thoughts so much that they offend you.

Kaitlyn from Wifessionals posted something on Instagram about the whole "blog advice giveaway" she had a lot of people agree with her, but she also had a lot of people disagree with her. I had to comment.

I don't know how any of my readers feel about this topic. I didn't comment in order to talk shit or to start drama. I simply wanted to express the way I felt. I don't think it was a bad idea for a giveaway. I did have certain feelings towards the giveaway. 

If I need advice about blogging I do know who to turn to. There are some bloggers who are pretty much too good for a blogger like me. I am not talking about all big bloggers. I haven't contacted many big bloggers after a few bad experiences. There are bloggers (a few, at least 4, that are in that giveaway) that have had no issue answering me in an e-mail. I haven't had any bad experiences with any of the others in that giveaway I just haven't ever reached out to them.

I do understand why many people have negative feelings towards the giveaway. If I didn't have earlier interactions with some of the bloggers featured I'd probably have a lot of negative feelings towards it. I completely understand that it's hard to respond to comments or e-mails. I'm a very small blogger, but I have a busy life and sometimes it's hard for me to respond. I do my best.

I have always told my readers to send me an e-mail, facebook message or a tweet if it's something they need to talk to me about. Even if it's not blogging related and they just need a friend, I always tell my readers to contact me. I'll give you my number if it's easier. I don't want my readers to feel ignored when they need someone. I can't give blogging advice because I suck at blogging. I can help out with anything else, I'm more than willing to help or just listen. 

I love small blogs. Some of the most meaningful comments I've received are from smaller blogs like mine. I discovered a link-up that may have been taken over by a bigger blog. However, it's a link-up that I plan to participate in tomorrow. I hope you join in!!!

Write a post about you past & link-up with Sweet Southern Wife

If any of you "small blogs" like me have a link-up or whatever... please feel free to contact me about it so I can participate and mention it to my readers!! I'm always here to help out. 

I hope this post didn't bring a negative vibe. Wasn't my intentions at all!

I should probably just get on with my pins!

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest


  1. I agree, I don't always feel comfortable talking to big bloggers either. Some really don't give a damn about the small people. And it's a shame, we all started out the same way!

    I love your blog. Maybe someday we can do a link up! I've been to scared to try one. Lol.

  2. I did enter this giveaway because I'm always looking for ways to improve my blog & I think this would present a great opportunity. However, I agree with you. It doesn't seem right that one must enter to win the chance to e-mail a "big blogger" for advice. I also agree: some of the bloggers in the giveaway are super sweet and reply to me and I feel like they would help with anything they could. I just don't understand how just because someone has 1276 followers, they are able to say that their advice (aka e-mails) are worth such and such money & able to be given away to select winners.

  3. Awe yay! Thanks so much for the shout out :)
    I can't wait to see everyone's TBT posts!!

  4. Girl, I totally agree with you. I don't want to say too much because I don't want my words to be misinterpreted as drama. Instead, now that I know you have Instagram, I'm going to follow you on there. :D

  5. I think their intentions were good. I don't think they intended for it to be perceived the way it did. The presentation of it all just comes off a little odd. I don't even know what the word is. I have had interactions with a few of those bloggers and they are super sweet so I know that no harm was intended. I follow a mix of both but I also do like smaller blogs and not just because I am one myself! it feels more personal and you don't feel like your comments are lost in a black hole!!

  6. The intention of the giveaway wasn't to exclude anyone. I think if small bloggers feel they can't e-mail a "big blogger" then that's on them. I AM a small blogger and I will always reach out and e-mail if I have a question. If my message gets ignored, then I ask elsewhere. Again, my opinion.

    As for your pins.... I'd kill to look like Marilyn. Crazy thing it, I'm the same size as she was then.


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Thanks for stopping by! I absolutely love every single comment I receive on this little blog of mine.
I'll always respond to a question. Sometimes I'll reply back on your actual comment or sometimes I'll e-mail. Don't ever hesitate to e-mail me about absolutely anything. I'm pretty good at responding to e-mails very quickly!

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