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It's not always that easy.

I do plan on giving you all a recap on my party bus, Tigers game night. It was a good night until the end. I won't get into what happened at the end, because I don't know what people in my every day life reads my blog. And if any of my co-workers or bosses happen to read my blog, I don't want it to be an issue that's being rehashed. However, I can discuss my feelings about the situation because this is my blog and I've made these feelings very clear. 

After the game and after the party bus I was going to quit my job. Many situations have caused me to have this built up frustration and it's taken a lot to not walk out many of times. I'm not a quitter. If I'm ever going to give up on a job, a dream or any situation it takes a lot. I will spend days, week or months thinking about the pros and cons. 

I would have to say that my biggest flaw is that I hold things in. I'd rather not get into it or call anyone out, so I hold it in. Many times, it eats me alive. But there are so may situations that I find myself in where I just feel like bringing it up will do nothing but give me more reasons to question why I'm in a certain situation. 

I dealt with this with going to school for nursing. I had a professor that was awful. 80% of that class class went to the Dean and I was the only one of those students who returned to class and my professor decided to call me out and tell me that if I actually cared about school and actually tried I would be a 4.0 student. She announced to the rest of the class that my test grades show that I don't care at all. I got up and walked out of that class and next door happened to be the Occupational Therapy open house. I was so upset that I figured going to it would give me a chance to get all of it off my mind. I ended up amazed by what I saw at that open house. I changed my major at that day.

In the past 3 months, I've changed so much. I've gone through things I never thought I'd deal with. I am constantly complimented on how much I've changed for the better. I'm a lot stronger than I've ever been. I'm a lot happier than I've ever been. I'm finding myself. 

I've realized that I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be treated with respect. I am willing to go to the end of the world and back for people I care about, I deserve to be surrounded by people who realize that. I don't need to prove that to anyone who doesn't see it. 

Going into a meeting today before my shift I knew that I would have to make the decision to stay or leave. After the meeting, I had to have a talk with a co-worker to see if things could be worked out or if I needed to move on. I still can't figure out where I stand or if I can feel confident with a decision. But, I had to make a decision at least for the time being. When I told my boss that I was staying, I felt so appreciated, but the issue never really had anything to do with my boss that I was dealing with today. He's been there for me 100% through some really hard times that I've been dealing with in my personal life these past few months. That makes it hard. 

For now, I know that I need to focus on myself. There are many situations in my life that I'm still trying to sort out. I need to be selfish. I'm really great at putting everyone else before me even when I know they don't deserve that.  When I say selfish, I mean in a way that I put my happiness first. I will never stop being there for other people, I will never treat others in a way that I wouldn't want to be treated. 

I still have a lot to think about with a lot of things going on in my life. I still have a lot to figure out. I still just don't know where to go from here. I think that right now, in every situation I'm dealing with, I need to take time. I need to really think about everything. 

It's about damn time that my happiness comes first.


  1. You DO deserve to be happy!!!! As hard as it is sometimes, letting go of a situation that isnt benefiting you completely is absolutely necessary (but I fully believe you know that better than anyone!)
    Keep your head up Girlie, and enjoy that IPA tonight ;)


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